Thursday, April 28, 2011



It’s a great past time of mine, I partake in it whenever I have the chance.

Today the other half was home looking after the boys, so I decided to take a stroll, on my lonesome, down to the supermarket to get the papers.

On the way, today’s daydream of choice was saying celebrity’s names, in my head, in a pirate voice. I was doing ok, having a little chuckle to myself, until I got to Miley Cyrus.

Miley Cyrus sounds great in pirate speak...MOILEY SOYRUS.

I started to say this over and over (all still in my own head of course) until I got louder and louder, and realised I was actually doing actions to it too!

So If anyone was in my area today, and there was a crazy lady walking down the street, pulling championship bodybuilder moves, don’t worry, it was only me getting a little carried away with my daydreaming...and Moiley Soyrus...


Lene said...

Sounds like brillant fun! I'm going to have to try it. It'll be a great game to play on family car trips or whenever I feel like making my children laugh! I'm off to play it now......

Voluptacon said...

Moiley Soyrus!!!!!!!!!!Garrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!